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What’s the number one thing you look for when searching for your photographer? Is it style, price, level of experience, location?
I have no doubt that choosing a photographer, especially one that will be working with your new baby, can be overwhelming at times. My opinion…this isn’t a time you should bargain shop when your little one’s safety is most important.
From someone who is not only a mother, but a newborn photographer with almost 12 years of experience, here are my thoughts/tips to help you along the way:
- Experience. Safety is the number one priority. You need to trust your photographer. Photographing babies takes time and skill to learn.
- Style. Do you prefer clean and simple or like props and themes?
- Price. Not an area to bargain hunt! Cheap can mean they do not have a level of experience or knowledge about babies or photography. There is a reason there is the phrase “You get what you pay for!”.
- Portfolio of work. Take time to view their work. That means viewing their website and their social media. When you view their images, does it make you say “I want that too!”?

I’d love to chat about booking your photo sessions and see if we are good fit!
Megan Wilson Photography is a full service studio in Canton, Georgia servicing many areas in Metro Atlanta. From wardrobe & styling, to designing custom albums and fine art with your favorite images, I have you covered! I want you to have a great experience and love your images. Contact us to book your newborn photo session!